Missions Conference
Beginning in 1966 our church elected a Missions Committee to act as a liaison between the congregation and the missionaries whom we support. It has been active ever since. This shows that this church believes in the “Great Commission” and supporting missionaries.
Each spring we hold a Missions Conference and spend a couple weeks focusing on missions. We invite those missionaries on their year of “home assignment” to join us to share of their experiences and how we can best pray for them.

It is strictly between you and God. Faith Promise giving includes income one expects to receive plus additional income to be supplied through faith and prayer alone—trusting God to provide through you during the coming year. It is waiting before the Lord for His instructions as to what He wants you to give in reaching the world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. It must be carried on by faith, that God will supply for other things which arise, as you proceed in giving what you promised.
- It is not a pledge! You sign NOTHING! No one but God knows what you promised.
- It is not something that someone will call on you to collect.
- It is not ever to be taken away from your tithes & offerings.
On Sunday mornings, March 6 & 13, you will be asked to indicate on a special Faith Promise Card provided, what amount you will give for the next year. You do this without putting your name on it. The money promised through our Faith Promises will be recorded and the Missions Committee will use these amounts to determine our missions budget for 2022-2023. Faith Promise gifts can be placed in the wooden collection box during any service of the church. It must be marked “Missions,” however.
We trust that each of you will pray and ask what God would have you to do in our missionary giving. Through your participation, many will be reached for Christ. Faith Promise giving is another expression of our obedience to Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations.”