Welcome! We’re glad you are here.

Please take a few moments to check us out and find out all there is to know about our church. Get to know our pastors, read more about our mission, or listen to a recent message. We know visiting a church can be intimidating, so we want to give you an idea of what you can expect, and answer some questions before you visit.

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30-10:15am — Sunday School 

Our Sunday School is for all ages, K- Adult.  There are age appropriate classes for our younger children.  (K-1; 2-3; 4-6).  Next, we have a two year Confirmation class for those in grades 7-8.  The adult Sunday School classes are for those in 9th grade — Adult.  

10:30 am – Worship Service

Our typical Sunday Worship begins with an opening song by our praise team. A welcoming greeting and announcements are given. Followed by a time of congregational worship through songs. Pastoral prayer and offerings are given. Scripture is read aloud by a church member. The Pastoral Sermon is given. On the first Sunday of each month, Communion is offered to all who have accepted the gift of Salvation. Our service concludes with a song of response to what our Savior has done for us and a benediction is given.

Nursery  is available during our Worship service each Sunday morning. Children are released from the Worship service just before the sermon begins. We have a volunteer-staffed nursery available for infants and toddlers through age 5. The nursery is located in the lower level to the right of the restrooms.

What To Expect

We have an informal atmosphere. Come as you are, relax, and enjoy our fellowship of worship. We have people of all ages and many backgrounds.

  • We encourage families to worship together, so feel free to bring your kids to worship with you, or use our Nursery for your little ones.
  • Free coffee is available in the main entry gathering area.
  • Our worship services last about one hour and include music, prayer, and teaching.
  • If you would like to connect with us, please fill out a “Covenant Connect Card” found in the pew and drop it in the offering plate. As a guest, when we receive the offering, please feel no pressure to give. The service is our gift to you!

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